Monday, January 26, 2009

And the Douch-ey Award goes to...

Could Ratzinger be a shittier pope? I mean, it seems like he's really trying to be the most offensive piece of garbage he can be. Some of Ratzinger's greatest hits include:
1. Rejecting the use of condoms to combat HIV/AIDS
2. Comparing homosexuality to the destruction of the world's rainforests
and most recently...
3. Lifting the ex-communication of holocaust denialist bishop Williamson.
Listen to the man yourself!

Congratulations Joseph Ratzinger (AKA Pope Benedict). You win a Douch-ey Award.

Friday, January 23, 2009

"Ben Dodge" is my New Favorite "Google Images" Search Term

Lifted this from Kenneth in the 212. I'll just quote him:
"This here fella, Ben Dodge, is one of those, um, models."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is Butthurt.

I first read this article on CNN where it quotes Limbaugh as saying "I hope Obama fails."

I hate to link to it, but whatever...

My first out-loud reaction was: "why on EARTH does anybody quote this coked-up dope-fiend?"
But of COURSE they ran it. Does this mean that Limbaugh is relevant again? My simple answer is "no," because I would love to believe that he and his ultra-conservative ilk have been marginalized by the majority of this country. At first I raved about how he could possibly want our new president to fail during a time of such uncertainty! Then I asked myself whether this is really worth blogging about, and whether I would be just as guilty as the MSM for repeating this silly fucker's words. I concluded that I should; not because his words are going to shake the world (have they ever?), but because it exemplifies the counter-reaction to the apparent leftward shift that our country is making.

Nobody can overstate the symbolic power of this presidential election, and how it has reflected the optimism for social progress. However, we progressives should always sleep with one eye open lest these bozos quietly work up their base while we revel in the victory of the moment. Let's not forget how prop 8 went here in California, and how gay rights has again re-emerged as the rallying cry in their ludicrous "culture wars."

Anyway, because I cannot help myself I'll just say that I hope Rush falls off his oxycontin wagon again. From saying that Michael J. Fox is "faking" Parkinson's to playing that "Barack the Magic Negro" song, this guy really should just start free-basing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What else can be said...?

... but FINALLY!!! I did not get to witness this live, in real time, as I was driving on my way to work. The musical piece created by John Williams and performed by Yo-Yo Ma, Yitzakh Perlman and others was so simple, and yet so powerful. I was so stirred that at the moment that Barack Obama officially became president, I blared my horn while driving on University drive. When Obama was actually sworn in, I did the same. I hope this sense of euphoria and inspiration lasts. There's so much to be done and undone.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Evidence that the Mormons DID Bank-roll Yes-on-8

I have heard about this alleged video from the Mormon church that supposedly PROVES that Mormons bank-rolled Yes-on-8 efforts. As a scientist, I have learned to be skeptical about hear-say, and VERY suspicious of the word "prove." We should always demand evidence to support our claims, no matter what our vocation. Especially, us gays.

I am posting this video (taken from Californians Against Hate) that I find to include very compelling evidence that the Mormon church DID in fact lobby substantially to have Prop 8 passed, thereby demonstrating this church's political involvement. In the broadcasted message, church elders outline their plan to have proposition 8 passed, including a multi-media blitzkrieg and a massive "blossoming" of yard signs (you remember these foul flowers).

No church that becomes a political action organization should be tax-exempt.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Article on LGBT Scientists

I found this really interesting article in the website. I found it incredibly inspiring as I am a young scientist recently graduated with my doctorate. What I really want more than anything is to be a good role model someday for young gays and lesbians who wish to pursue the sciences. If only I can get my fucking thesis published. : )

Shattering the Glass Closet
By Jenny Kurzweil

Acceptance in the workplace for "out" gay scientists is not that unusual in today's scientific work force—whether it be in a university, industry or federal setting—thanks to the enormous strides that have been made in the movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people's equality. And yet, despite the progress, obstacles for LGBTs in science still exist in various and sometimes subtle forms, including access to role models, mentorship, and ultimately, the science itself.

Read more at sciencemagazine:

Cafe 3 a.m. by Langston Hughes

Detectives from the vice squad
with weary sadistic eyes spotting fairies.
Degenerates, some folks say.
But God, Nature, or somebody made them that way.
Police lady or Lesbian over there?

Ann Coulter Gets Ass-Reamed on the View

I've always thought she was just a silly clown for the right wing. From calling 9/11 widows "harpies" to now blasting Blacks in the entertainment industry, she is REALLY REALLY GOOD at playing complete bitch. Always good for LULZ.

Another Staggering Loss for LGBT Protections

It is now legally OK to discriminate against LGBT people in housing, public accomodations and the workplace in Kalamzoo, Michigan.

Kalamazoo County Treasurer Mary Balkema, an opponent of the ordinance, said she was unsure whether a compromise could be reached. If a second measure is brought forward that raises similar concerns, Balkema predicted opponents would mobilize again to gather petitions to fight it.

Balkema, a former city commissioner, said commissioners ``didn't do their homework,'' failing to consult a variety of community opinions before acting.

I've done MY homework: Here's Mary's digits in the treasury office
241 W. South Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(269) 337-8036
(269) 567-7525 fax

Monday, January 12, 2009

Uncle Tom's... er... Log Cabin Republicans Going Broke

Call this divine justice. The Log Cabin Republicans are in debt! Unfortunately, they will still be able to spread their self-loathing around for a bit longer. My question is: why not ask any prominent republicans to help you guys out? Hmmm? You stood by your man John McCain and your woman Sarah Palin in spite of their bedding down with total haters who would sooner see you stoned to death than grant you your rights.

"The Log Cabin Republicans, hampered by lackluster 2008 fundraising, is facing financial difficulties and ended the year at least $100,000 in debt, according to Patrick Sammon, the organization’s president, who spoke to the Blade Friday.

Sammon said he expects the organization to have around $100,000 in debt or “maybe a little more,” adding that the figure is made up of consolidated debt."

Can somebody cue the tiny violins for these sell-outs?

Gene Robinson to Offer Prayer at Obama Innauguration

This is great! Finally, Obama has realized that his rhetoric of including everyone at "the table" means that he should definately include LGBT folks in the religious aspects of the innauguration. Now Bishop Gene Robinson is going to be offering a prayer at an innauguration event... not the MAIN event, but I think this is an important olive branch from the Obama camp to our community. Obama STILL has Rick Warren offering the invocation, but I think this whole fiasco has helped our cause in the long run. Now many people who would not be making such philosphical queries are asking themselves whether his thinly-veiled hate speech is tolerable. Warren even edited his church's website to eliminate homophobic content! So... I'm still pissed, yes, but Warren will be pushed further into the fringe if he does not change his views.

And... how awesome is Bishop Gene Robinson? I make no apologies for my agnosticism, but I thank God that there are LGBT folks like him who are taking back a religion that is based upon compassion.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The CHUTZPAH never ceases

More hypocricy from our friends from the Yes-on-8 camp. This time they have the CHUTZPAH to try and change the law to protect people who reached into their pocketbooks to deprive us of our rights.


"No one should have to worry about getting a death threat because of the way he
or she votes," said James Bopp Jr., an attorney representing two groups that
supported Proposition 8, and the National Organization
for Marriage California. "This lawsuit will protect the right of all people to
help support causes they agree with, without having to worry about harassment or

OK. Death threats=bad- even if the people receiving them took the time to DONATE MONEY TO TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS. But death threats aren't really happening en masse to prop h8 supporters. Show me news articles of straights running for their lives and I'll be alarmed (and slightly amused), but it's NOT HAPPENING. Now, all of this might even warrant the teensiest bit of sympathy; however, you may recall this charming letter which I will quote from here:

"Were you not to donate comparably [to yes-on-8], it would be a clear indication
that you are in opposition to traditional marriage... The names of
companies and organizations that chose not to donate in like manner to but have given to Equality California will be published."

In summary, if you are going to pull your Gestapo-brownshirt-bullshit then try to cry foul when the opposition does the same, you are going to face the whole of the internets to call you out on your hypocricy.

Redstate pregnancy rates higher than others


Some experts have blamed the national increase on increased federal funding for
abstinence-only health education that does not teach teens how to use condoms
and other contraception. They said that would explain why teen birth rate
increases have been detected across much of the country and not just in a few
Other factors include the escalating cost of some types of
birth control and their unavailability in some communities, said Stephanie
Birch, who directs maternal and child health programs for the Alaska Department
of Health and Social Services.

I would argue: ALL OF THE A-fucking-BOVE!
ONLY through education and giving these kids a sense of self-worth, can we make sure our society does not devolve into an "Idiocracy"-style dystopia.
Every time I hear about some "Purity Ball" or other group that tries to convince teenagers to ignore their biological urges, it makes me want to stomp on puppies.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Were their lives worth it?

Yesterday I watched a press briefing on American news from the Israeli Defense Force Spokesperson. She said that Hamas was known to be using civilians as human shields. This came on the heels of the reported attack on a UN school in Gaza city.

If the IDF KNOWS that Hamas is using human shields, why did they fire on them anyway?
I mean, if a terrorist hides behind a child, would YOU shoot through the child to kill the terrorist?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hi! My name is volunteer Brian (hablo espanol)

That was quick!
I gave a call to the local AIDS charity (which for this small city is actually a pretty huge foundation with many branches and services) to see if I could volunteer. I called and left a message with the volunteer coordinator giving my name and number, citing my ability to speak spanish fluently, and suggesting that I am interested in long-term volunteerism. I thought I'd get called back on Monday or whatever. I was called within 10 minutes, sent to one of five second-hand retail shops where I learned they generate approximately 1/3 of the revenue for the main foundation. I was sent to a second shop where they desperately need someone FOR THIS SUNDAY who has cashier experience and is Spanish-fluent. Within 2 hours, I was on board!
I'm really looking forward to being in contact with people again. Science can be very lonely sometimes. Sometimes I come into contact with only one other person all day. Today that person was Ben B. "Bad" Ben is the other Ben. He's a riot and the only other gay person I worked directly with since I was a Starbucks barista. I miss "bad" Ben. He's gone on to bigger, better places. Anyway... I'm looking forward to making friends with other gay folks. It's actually harder than you think, even here in Palm Springs, if you don't go to bars or clubs.
On a sad note, one of my partner's good friends was in a very bad car accident on New Years. She broke two legs and her back. We don't know how badly yet. Her nephew, who was in a car seat, was killed. To add insult to injury, this occured just 3 hours after her medical insurance expired.
I hate leaving off on a bad note. Just treasure your life and try and do something to make the world a better place, if you can- however small that may be.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

God, I Love Men

So I've noticed that even respectable bloggers often post "Stud of the day" type pics. Why not? I promise no porn. There's plenty of that available elsewhere. Besides, PG-rated pics often do more to spark my imagination than 99% of mainstream "erotica."

That said... I cannot wait to see the new Wolverine movie with Liev Schreiber as the young Sabretooth.

I Finally Saw Milk

So I might be the last gay person to see the movie Milk, and I have to say that it exceeded my expectations. I was genuinely moved by Sean Penn's portrayal of Harvey Milk. There has already been so much said about how "timely" this movie is, so I won't repeat what is truly obvious. I will simply say that I DO have hope. Proposition 8 has brought the gay community together again. It has made people question whether to unquestioningly believe their religious leaders, or follow their conscience. Since prop 8's passage I've had straight people I barely know tell me that they thought that what happened was wrong. And it has made people think about what "equal rights" really means in a democratic society. We've come so far since the time of Harvey Milk and Briggs and Bryant, that this setback feels like it's going to precede a major push forward. I'm proud to be gay. I'm proud of my husband. I'm proud to be part of a community that has such a strong sense of justice.
Now I've thought quite a bit about what my real resolution should be for the New Year, and I've decided that I need to give back to the community that has given so much to me. I owe a debt of gratitude to all the gay folks who have fought before us. It's time to give back. That's my promise, and you (if anybody is reading this) can hold me to it.

Best final moment of 2008

Wait for it... wait for it...

Try Religion!