This is great! Finally, Obama has realized that his rhetoric of including everyone at "the table" means that he should definately include LGBT folks in the religious aspects of the innauguration. Now Bishop Gene Robinson is going to be offering a prayer at an innauguration event... not the MAIN event, but I think this is an important olive branch from the Obama camp to our community. Obama STILL has Rick Warren offering the invocation, but I think this whole fiasco has helped our cause in the long run. Now many people who would not be making such philosphical queries are asking themselves whether his thinly-veiled hate speech is tolerable. Warren even edited his church's website to eliminate homophobic content! So... I'm still pissed, yes, but Warren will be pushed further into the fringe if he does not change his views.
And... how awesome is Bishop Gene Robinson? I make no apologies for my agnosticism, but I thank God that there are LGBT folks like him who are taking back a religion that is based upon compassion.
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